Equestrian Photographers specialising in Horse racing

While amateur horse racing is more accessible, horse racing under rules is very restrictive to photographers. These listed have the access and memberships required to photograph horse racing.

Click on a photographer's name for more information.

Pictured Life Photography

Professional Fine Art Equine Photographer specializing in Horse Portraiture, Equestrian Events, Art, and Design. A love for horses and a passion for photography.My mission is to capture beautiful images of your horse so your memories last forever.  

Karl Drage Photography

With a background in event and wedding photography, Karl is equally at home capturing the action of cross-country or horse racing, a hack across the beach, or those perfect portraits of you and your equine family members. Karl loves to get creative and has a particular fondness for photographing horses with his portable studio lights, […]

CLAW Photography and crafts

All things photos and feathers.Whether it is horses, dogs, cats, birds, planes train or buses, I am your person.

Vanessa Taylor Photography

 I have worked as a photographer for over 30 years and i use the combination of my experience as a rider and my creativity to bring out the spirit and the power of the horses i photograph, enabling you to enjoy my individual perspective.
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Equine Photographers UK — British Equestrian Media Association
